hurricane sandy.


Hurricane Sandy hit Long Island on Monday, October 29th. Today is Friday, November 9th and we are still without power. 2 nights ago a Nor'Easter brought snow and freezing temperatures. On Tuesday I waited on a line for 3 hours to get gas for my car. This morning New York started gas rationing. I feel like I'm living in some strange alternate reality.


  1. Wow gas rationing! How 1970s! I'm so sorry you and so many others are having to suffer and go through all this doll. It is so unfortunate but as I write this I can think of millions and billions of people all over the world suffering so much worse. Keep your chin up doll! Try (though it may be hard) to find your personal silver lining in all this Sandy and snow storm madness.


  2. Oh no, hope things get better soon. Thinking of you and everyone who was/ is effected by this horrible storm and weather! Hang in there! Hugs xxx

  3. Oh no! I go to school in PA but live on the shore in Jersey and went home this past weekend to see my entire town destroyed. It was heartbreaking. Luckily, we got power back on Wednesday but gas rations are still in effect. I'm praying you get power back soon!! xo

    1. oh gosh, I'm so sorry. I hope you and your family are doing well.. I know the Jersey Shore was hit really hard. So terrible.

  4. Oh no! I'm sending all my prayers and love to you guys! Keep little Boo warm!


  5. Scary! Keep safe and keep warm girl! Keeping you in my prayers that the power comes back on soon!! :)
    xo TJ

  6. strength and warm thoughts to you and yours!

  7. what a bizarre reality. stay warm, stay safe! I hope you have power by now, and until then, I am still admiring your photos via blog and instagram!

  8. I can't imagine being without power for that long, especially with how chilly it got last week. Hope you are staying as warm as possible, and everything returns to as normal out where you are as soon as possible!

  9. I hope things are improving a bit by now & most of all that you are safe!!
