Be Here Now, June


I hate flying, but I love traveling. I also love views like this (although I'd prefer to be standing at the top of a mountain than sitting in seat 14F or wherever I was sitting on this flight.)

Rocky Mountains.. maybe? I can't remember! Somewhere between NY and AZ.
I can't wait to go to San Francisco and Yosemite National Park in June. Why does May have to come between April and June? How about we let June skip ahead, just this once?

I'm so excited for this trip that I'm even excited for the flight- even though I'll be sitting in the middle seat. That's the trouble with planes that have 3 seats in a row- someone has to sit in the middle. Planes should have 2 seats in a row, with more leg room, gourmet food options, beds, sofas..

Ok, I'm just rambling. Forgive me, I'm not feeling very well. I hope I'm not getting sick. Blah!

Oh! P.S. Thank you all for your kind comments on my last post! I still get really excited every time I see that magazine <3


  1. You-->going on a trip.

  2. gorgeous picture!! i LOVE blitzen trapper and that song furr is one you can repeat for weeks!!!

    <3 steffy

  3. cool pic! you better not be getting sick because i'm coming HOME on friday and we're going running.

  4. oh my gosh i love yosemite! i live in fresno so we go a beautiful!
    also i gave you a blogging award on my blog!

  5. I even live in California and I haven't been to Yosemite. Maybe I'll have to make an extra effort to get out there this summer.

  6. i love that photograph! I love traveling as well...many adventures to come this summer i hope. Good luck!

    -Chymere H.

  7. I hope you have a safe flight in June! Personally, I loveee flying :) but I do feel similar about wanting to be on the mountain that in a big metal tube in the sky hahahaha

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. According to google maps, I live 3h43m from Yosemite. Not too bad.

  10. Im so excited for you! I hate flying too, but it will be so worth it. Both places are amazing!!! :)

  11. Oh is that me I see on the top of that Rocky Mountain??? We can't skip May thats when I'll beeeee on that mountain. Haha, I hear ya though. Waiting is killing me. Hang in there!

  12. Love this photo! I always am way too stressed when I fly to remember that plane pictures are awesome. Also you vacation sounds fantastic, San Fran and Yosemite?? I'm excited for you!

    xx Melina

  13. Seriously, what an amazing picture! Yosemite is such a lovely place, have you been there before or are you going there for the first time? I love everything about it; the big trees, the rivers, and the big waterfall. It truly is beautiful.

  14. i was recently on a flight from tokyo to new york and saw this from my window (i think i was above alaska). it was the most incredible view i've ever seen. the beauty of nature. i love your blog!

  15. Beautiful picture! I'm so jealous of your trip, it sounds amazing :)
    I'm counting the posts I write! Just so I don't lose track when I get to milestones like 100 or something :)
    And, wow. WOW that picture is amazing - you're such a wonderful artist! Exactly the kind of artist I wish I could be. So, so lovely :) xx

  16. How exciting!! I LOVE flying! One of my favourite things to do :-)

    You're going to have an amazing time!

    Much love, Vanilla Blonde

  17. lovely husband and I may be moving to Cali this month for his job ---our fingers are crossed!!!

    Adventures of Newlyweds

  18. ooooooooooooooooo it sounds like your June is going to be lovely! Im jealous! I love June...mostly because that's my birthday month yes I'm selfish:) I LOVE flying...I work for an aviation company thogugh hahaha maybe I've been brainwashed to say that I wish I did travel more...lucky!

  19. If you've never been, you'll love it. I went to Yosemite last year for vacation (which is funny because I may go to NYC for vacation this year!) and it was breathtaking. I loved it. I want to go back.

  20. you are just going to love San Francisco. It's such an amazing city. And Yosemite is just breathtaking. EEEEeek, the excitement before a trip. what are the dates you will be in sf?
